The boardwalk.
Trump Taj Mahal on the boardwalk.
Arriving at the ShowBoat Casino where the house of blues is located.
Slot machines inside the casino. I had to play a little, but could not have cared less about gambling. I played $5 and quit when I was $1.25 up. That way I could say that I gambled in Atlantic City.
House of Blues from the boardwalk.
House of Blues inside. This was actually at the poker tournament area, but the stage entrance was not so dramatic.
Setting up. The whole set was painted orange. The amps were orange, the chords were orange, the floor, the keyboards, everything. All the amps were in scaffolding with wheels, so they could be moved around (The band has been doing this for a long time, and they obviously have it down to a science). The roadies did a lot of the initial set up. Then the band came out and finished. That was neat. The band is very low key and down to earth. They interacted with the crowd during the set up.

After a brief visual on the giant screen (of an artistically, and tastefully, digitally processed naked woman who danced around on the screen) the band members emerged from a small door in the screen, appearing to be...well lets just a very artistic way, the woman on the screen gave birth to the band....and, let's leave it at that.

Then Wayne emerged in the bubble. He launched himself out into the audience for some crowd surfing. After a few turns of being passed around the crowd in the bubble, the roadies helped him out of the bubble and they launched into the first song.

About 15 seconds into the first song, giant confetti cannons went off and shot orange confetti all over the crowd. I was sitting ten rows back, in the balcony, and I was covered within seconds. This persisted through the entire show. Wayne also had hand held confetti cannons. These were constructed of PVC pipe and CO2 canisters. The roadies handed him a seemingly endless supply of these. It was really fun, and involved the audience in the show from the first song.

Then came the balloons. Probably 50 to 60 giant balloons that bounced around the crowd and back on stage through out the whole show. The roadies helped to throw them back into the crowd when too many landed on stage. They also threw many even more giant balloons filled with confetti into the crowd later in the show. Some popped on lights, showering the audience and band with even more confetti. Others, Wayne popped with the end of his guitar, which had a sharp object on it for just this purpose.

Wayne on the shoulders of the bear.

Giant caterpillar with butterfly wings. Those are the guys wearing orange jump suits around the caterpillar. On the other side of the stage there was a giant catfish, and the girls wearing orange tops, and skirts that matched the guy's outfits. They all just sort of danced and cheered on the band through the whole show. I think that is a regular thing that the band does. Maybe they won some contest, or there is an ongoing group of folks who volunteer for the chance to be on stage.

Wayne with the giant hands. There are green lasers shooting out of the palms of the hands. He is pointing them at the giant disco balls, causing the room to fill with green laser light.

Confetti and streamers cover the crowd through the whole show. It was one of the funnest shows I have ever seen!
After a brief visual on the giant screen (of an artistically, and tastefully, digitally processed naked woman who danced around on the screen) the band members emerged from a small door in the screen, appearing to be...well lets just a very artistic way, the woman on the screen gave birth to the band....and, let's leave it at that.
Then Wayne emerged in the bubble. He launched himself out into the audience for some crowd surfing. After a few turns of being passed around the crowd in the bubble, the roadies helped him out of the bubble and they launched into the first song.
About 15 seconds into the first song, giant confetti cannons went off and shot orange confetti all over the crowd. I was sitting ten rows back, in the balcony, and I was covered within seconds. This persisted through the entire show. Wayne also had hand held confetti cannons. These were constructed of PVC pipe and CO2 canisters. The roadies handed him a seemingly endless supply of these. It was really fun, and involved the audience in the show from the first song.
Then came the balloons. Probably 50 to 60 giant balloons that bounced around the crowd and back on stage through out the whole show. The roadies helped to throw them back into the crowd when too many landed on stage. They also threw many even more giant balloons filled with confetti into the crowd later in the show. Some popped on lights, showering the audience and band with even more confetti. Others, Wayne popped with the end of his guitar, which had a sharp object on it for just this purpose.
Wayne on the shoulders of the bear.
Giant caterpillar with butterfly wings. Those are the guys wearing orange jump suits around the caterpillar. On the other side of the stage there was a giant catfish, and the girls wearing orange tops, and skirts that matched the guy's outfits. They all just sort of danced and cheered on the band through the whole show. I think that is a regular thing that the band does. Maybe they won some contest, or there is an ongoing group of folks who volunteer for the chance to be on stage.
Wayne with the giant hands. There are green lasers shooting out of the palms of the hands. He is pointing them at the giant disco balls, causing the room to fill with green laser light.
Confetti and streamers cover the crowd through the whole show. It was one of the funnest shows I have ever seen!

Back to the hotel for a few hours sleep. Then, time for the long drive home.
1 comment:
Looks like an awesome trip!
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